Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Impact of Crustal Displacement Part 1

One comment asked if there would be any problems for people not living in costal, earthquake, or volcanic areas. Consider this. If the Earth's crust makes a sudden, jerking shift in any direction, for any reason, of a few degrees longitude or latitude, virtually every structure ever built will collapse. Some, will probably remain standing - such as the Great Pyramids in Egypt and Mexico - simply because of their weight and footprint. But nothing built even to the most extreme earthquake standards of modern construction will withstand such instantaneous torsion.

Another point is that every stress point on the Earth's surface will let loose as tectonic plates adjust to the sudden strain put on their already stressed faults. And while dead volcanoes will remain mountains, everything else will suddenly find itself under a tremendous urge to erupt. Including those volcanoes that produce sheets of lava that spring upwards from under fragile cracks along thinner portions of the Earth's surface.

Consider this: If you lived in Denver and tonight there was a relatively minor 3 degree crustal shift, you would wake up at the same latitude as Casper, Wyoming, or Albuquerque, New Mexico. If there was a 15 degree displacement during the night, you would wake up about where the bottom of the Hudson Bay is today, or perhaps as far south as Mazatlan. In addition to the stress such a move would put on the mountains, volcanos, and tectonic fault zones, either every water source would freeze overnight from moving into the colder latitudes, or all the mountain snow and ice would melt as you woke up in the middle of Mexico.

As you ponder this, I'll be working up another post to talk about some of the other issues sure to arise from the upcoming catastrophe.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Crustal Displacement

Sony Pictures has a new movie coming out in November. It provides a Hollywood version of the upcoming 2012 disaster. The destruction scenes are pretty amazing. The graphics look excellent. Sony has even gone so far as to create a second website with its own movie trailers, the Institute for Human Continuity (IHC), as a promotion to drive ticket sales for the 2012 film. Among the scenarios proposed by the Sony website is the theory of crustal displacement.

What they present is an exaggeration of Charles Hapgood's theory from the 1950s.

Originally proposed to counter the theory of tectonic plate movement, Hapgood's theory of crustal displacement was endorsed by Albert Einstein in 1955 who recommended further investigation by the scientific community. Hapgood's original theory was disproved. Tectonic plate movement does account for the breakup of Pangea and continental shift. However, the Earth's crust, even though it exists in pieces, does float as a semi-solid structure on a liquid mantle. Should the constantly changing weight of the crust be disproportionally misaligned when Earth passes through a gravitational stress, then the entire crust could let loose and move as a whole.

Of course, with all the hoopla that focused attention on the newly discovered movement of tectonic plates, Hapgood's theory was relegated to the dust bin used by Atlantean believers to justify virtually every theory about the lost city that is currently trendy. Having been hijacked by the Atlantean crowd, any scientist who shows interest in dusting off Hapgood's theory and investigating it automatically relegates their career to the dustbin from which the theory was pulled.

Unlike the IHC website claims, no core heating is needed for crustal displacement. There is no "feedback" that makes the process progressively worse. Hapgood simply proposed a process where the weight of the Earth's surface, which varies by the thickness of the crust, can become disproportionally heavy in one area.

Through centripetal (centrifugal for you older students) force the Earth's spin will, under the right conditions, cause the unbalanced external crust to suddenly shift as a whole. This shift will begin to rebalance the uneven weight distribution. Subsequent movement of tectonic plates will finish the balancing. It is like the old method of balancing tires on a car. The tire was spun on a machine and, based on the wobble, a lead weight was added to the rim. The position and size of that weight was adjusted to balance the tire. As the tire wore, the balance changed, the wobble returned, and the weight would have to be removed and replaced, sometimes adding or taking away a few ounces while simultaneously changing the weight's position. The same thing happens over time with any changing weight distribution on a rotating object.

Hapgood theorized that under conditions where significant ice build-up caused the Earth's balance to be offset, the combined axial spin and solar orbit would create enough centripetal force to move Earth's crust from a few degrees to 15 degrees in a single event. Of course, a loss of ice mass could cause the same unbalanced conditions. As would any combination if the gravitational and rotational forces applied to the Earth were to reach their extremes, such as the day we pass through the galactic plane...

Crustal displacement theory accounts for the presence of forest remains in Antarctic mountains where no forests can grow. It accounts for dinosaur fossils on the same continent, which could not possibly have supported those life-forms in its current position. It accounts for mammoth remains in Siberia where the animals froze to death so instantaneously that they still had food in their mouths. It accounts for glacial action in North America at times when no similar glaciation existed in Europe.

Such a shift, even if only a few degrees of movement, would essentially end life as we know it...

More on the effects of such a displacement later.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

New Post Soon

Sorry fellow concerned homo sapiens and other primates. I've been out doing field research on the end of the world and have recently returned with such a tremendous wealth of information that it may take several posts to make it all available. Think about tetonic plate movement on a world-wide scale...

Monday, May 11, 2009

Are "They" Coming Back?

I've been doing a lot of flying lately - and that's my excuse for missing last week's posting. Of course, the massive airtime has brought to my mind another issue - runways.

Have you ever really paid attention to an airport? How about the layout, various angles of runways, taxiways, and parking areas? When looking at one from the air, you see an entirely different thing than what you can see from the ground, or even a small hill.

The lines and arrangement mean absolutely nothing to a person viewing it from the ground. But from the sky, the approach is laid out, the connecting taxiways, and parking areas are very clear.

The question that popped into my mind during all my recent flying is why did human beings living in a stone-age culture build giant runways, taxiways, and parking areas around 50 B.C.E.? I'm talking about the lines in Nazca, Peru. NO - I'm not really concerned with the hummingbird, condor, spaceman, whale, monkey, etc. that everybody is so enamoured with. I'm talking about the underlying lines upon which the more recent giant drawings were made.

Take a look at the following photo. But instead of looking at the circles and spider, look at the overall "big picture" and tell me what you see?

I see part of an airport.
In fact, the wonderfully sculpted drawings of the Nazca people are made over the top of pre-existing lines. Which look an awful lot like the various runways and positioning patterns at Edwards Air Force Base.

Regardless of the reasons for the Nazca peoples to have made the drawings they created, just what was the reasoning behind the long straight patterns and lines, along with tapers at the ends (perhaps for alignment on approach)? I think these lines may have been for another purpose - one which will see them reused in 2012. Can you even begin to imagine what would happen to our world as we know it if we were suddenly visited by whomever those lines were made for? Perhaps even this guy?

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Shifting Magnetic Poles

Guess what? Earth's magnetic poles are due for a shift. To help explain what that actually means, I've tapped into the Smithsonian's information system and gathered the following for your education:

"Like a bar magnet, Earth has a magnetic field with two main poles. This magnetic field not only enables us to use compasses to find our way at the surface, it also tells us about Earth's deep interior. That’s because the field is generated by motions within the outer core.
Earth contains a dynamic electromagnet. Our planet's rotation causes molten iron-nickel in its outer core to circulate, creating electrical currents and a magnetic field."

"Are Earth’s Magnetic Poles Stable?
No. They wander over the Earth’s surface. Since 1945, they have moved at a rate of almost 12 km a year — a clue to the dynamic origin of our magnetic field. About every 500,000 years Earth's magnetic field gets progressively weaker, vanishes, then reappears with the magnetic North and South poles reversed. If you're standing at the North Pole, you're about 15 degrees (1,670 km, or 1,035 mi) away from its slowly migrating magnetic pole. "

I just so happens that when the Solar System passes through the alignment plane with the center of the Milky Way Galaxy (see the previous post), the magnetic poles will be at the greatest distance from the rotational poles, and because the Earth does not rotate on a vertical access in relation to its rotation around the Sun, the rotational poles will be at their greatest distance from the Sun's axis. Additionally, with December 21, 2012, being the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, and the Summer Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere, at that particular day, the greatest gravitational, nuclear, and magnetic strain will be applied to the Earth's magnetic poles.
Should they undergo a sudden shift as the planet and solar system passes through the Galactic plane, the destructive effects would be enormous - possibly even resulting in tipping the Earth on its side, causing an unstable wobble, altering the seasons, causing extreme temperature changes, and weather conditions. Essentially making life as we currently know it impossible on the planet. Thus - the end of the world.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Theortical Implications of 2012

The likelihood that the world will cease to exist in December 2012 is frightening, yet possible. The theory behind the coming end varies from blog to blog, from researcher to researcher, from scientist to scientist, from religion to religion. However, the arguments that suppose the world will come to an end are all based around several items:

The ancient Mayan calendar ends on December 21, 2012.

The Winter Equinox falls on December 21, 2012.

The solar system is at its closest to the center of the Galaxy on December 21, 2012.

The Earth, Sun, and Moon are all aligned with the Black Hole at the center of our Milky Way on December 21, 2012.

What does this confluence of events, galactic alignment, actually mean?

The opportunity presents itself for a shift in the Earth's magnetic poles - an event that occurs every 50,000 years +/- a couple - and is due any year now.

The confluence of these events will gravitationally stress the fabric of the earth's surface bringing about extreme tidal changes, earthquakes, world-wide volcanic eruptions - particularly setting off the super-calderas spread around the world.

The alignment may also open a worm hole in space that will allow interstellar space travel by the ancient peoples who were originally worshiped as Gods and Angels. Drawings from their earlier visits are presented in every ancient culture indicating that they have been here before, and the mythology indicates that they will be returning.

Of course, regardless of which events actually come about - any major cataclysm, natural, astronomical, or visitation from past "Gods" will essentially bring an end to the world as we know it. More on what that implies later.

Tax Day in the Ancient World

I wonder if the ancient peoples and civilizations had a "tax day" like we do in America? I don't think we will ever really know. The Romans conducted a regular census which was tied to the leveling of taxes. But did the Aztecs and Mayas do the same? How about Tikil? Easter Islanders? Egyptians? Mesopotamians?

Just musing on the prospects that if nothing ever really changes than the ancient people must have hated the tax-man as much as we do today.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Aztec Calendar

The Aztec Long Count calendar (tonalpohualli) comes to an end on December 21, 2012. This is the date the world will end. It is also the date when Quetzalcoatl, the primordial god of creation, giver of life, and the presenter of maize, will return to earth. So will Jesus, as the messiah of the Christians and Moslems.

Boy-oh-boy will there be hell to pay when all the Gods of the East come floating down from space to see what we have done with their creation. I wonder where they will land? Are there runways? Will they need to wear space suits? What will their space ships look like? Will the lights of NYC, London, Paris, Bejing, and Mumbai cause them to re-evaluate their planned atmospheric re-entry trajectory? Will we be expected to worship at their feet and sing praises to their name? Will today's corn be as familiar to them as the maize they originally gave to the ancient American indigenous tribal peoples?

In preparation for their return, I say we investigate the potential answers to these questions.

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Welcome to "The World Ends December 2012." I hope that you find my thoughts on this topic enlightening and informative. Perhaps we will have more in common than you may initially think. Or, we may be polar opposites. In either case, it ought to be fun discussing the upcomming end of the world - or at least the end of the world as we know it. For end it will. The question is when.

The best estimated date for that end is December 21, 2012, when, according to Wikipedia, "the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar, notably used by the Maya civilization among others of pre-Columbian Mesoamerica, completes its thirteenth b'ak'tun cycle since the calendar's mythical starting point (equivalent to August 11, 3114 BC in the proleptic Gregorian calendar, according to the "GMT-correlation" JDN= 584283)."

So what does that actually mean? Well, it essentially means that the most accurate calendar ever developed by any human civilization will come to an end. Just because that happens to coincide with the alignment of Gaia (the Earth), Sun, and center of the Milky Way galaxy shouldn't be of any concern. Just because Gaia is due for another shift of magnetic poles at any time should also be of no real concern. The fact that this date coincides with the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and the Summer Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere, is no real worry either. Ancient Gods are scheduled to return, Messiahs are to decend from the sky riding on clouds and flaming chariots, and all the computers will simultaneously fail. OK - maybe I'm stretching that last part a bit. It was supposed to have already happened on December 31, 1999; or have we all forgotten Y2K?

In any case, lets get to it. Initially I'll be posting bits and pieces of my thoughts on this subject weekly. As we get closer to December 21, 2012, the posts will become more routine, and hopefully more alarming.